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Free E-Counseling Guidance Services for our Students and Parents

10 Apr, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As self-quarantine and self-isolation continue, we believe it is our duty as Fepsians to help our community.

We are offering FREE E-Counseling services to our students and parents in need during this pandemic. Your concerns matter to us and we appreciate the time and effort you make to voice us your concerns, and we will help support you and guide you along the way. You are not alone.

The purpose of these e-counseling services is to help our students and parents from the stress and pressure of this current pandemic we are all facing. We have also received memos from the school administration to protect our students and support them virtually. Another purpose is to create more awareness with distance learning on how to be digitally up-right citizens as FEPSians, to provide awareness on digital ethics, and how to prevent and avoid malicious online behaviors such as cyberbullying, cyber-harassment, as well as providing general internet safety tips to protect our students and school community.

Our experts Sir Rodolfo Aquino JR. and Ms. Faith L. Supan from our Psychology field of expertise will be able to assist you. Just call or email to book an appointment with us to start your free E-Counseling Session.

Stay Home & Stay Safe.

FEPS Management

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